Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 27, 2010

This morning I woke to hear pastor Jeccania and Jorum talking. I went out to join in the conversation. They had been talking in their “tak plas”. They told me they were talking about their concern of how I was going to be as a white American missionary. They were not overly concerned, because they had been with me for the last 5 days and had seen me eat their food (with them), sleep as they do, and had really become a part of them. They just were not sure if I was just doing it because I had to. Their other concern they had is would I except the way they had been doing things in the ministry of the people. Would I come in and make many changes which would breed insecurity and division? As the course of the conversation went, not even realizing all of these concerns, our hearts were knit with a strong bond of trust and confidence. I began communicating some of my thoughts and concerns and we found we all were on the same level of not only doctrinal standing, but overall care for the ministry. It was a joy for me to see this cloud of concern evaporate and their countenance glowed with renewed enthusiasm. It was as if as us 3 were inseparable to see a Baptist Church started, even today. We had a season of prayer and a time of rejoicing as we set out on the adventures of the day; just like 3 young school boys let out of school for the day!

Joe, one of the men in Kaintiba, has been letting me charge my video camera at his house whenever I need to charge it. Some of the people here have generators, but all is quite because there is no fuel here to run them. Joe has a few solar panels that charge 2 deep cell batteries (12 volt). The whole set/system cost him about $4,000. This would be a good investment for us to power our house with a clean/quite source of energy and low maintenance.

It was in our plans this morning to go up to the house and clean up around the property and sweep the floors. After getting my camera from Joe’s house we went up to the house and spent the morning and early afternoon working to clean up inside and outside. Odette let us use 3 bush knives to cut the grass and 2 bush style brooms to sweep the floors. There are pineapple plants, breadfruit trees, banana trees, and a few other food baring plants on the property. Oh what fun we had working together. The verse in the Bible “By, love, serve one another…” comes to mind. These people had come from another village to enter into my labor to help see another church birthed. Even Bino, the man who has the authority over the house and land, (who is not saved) had come to help cut the grass with his own bush knife. He told me he was going to write a letter to send with me back to Kerema to give to the authorities there to get the official signature for the land (and house) to be given to us.

We (Jeccania , Jorum, and I) rested and fellowshipped in the afternoon. I wrote down the things/tools that they would need to do repairs on the house in my absence. Bro. Matt Allen should be able to get the supplies in Lae and fly them in. The list included hammers, nails, hand saws, chisels, screwdrivers, shovels, rakes, and screen for the windows. I plan to send him the money for these things, and then Pastor Jeccania will supervise the project and secure the tools. My job will be to bring in the plumbing and put in the water tanks (rain water supplied). The roof will also need some attention (sealed or replaced). These are our plans currently.
It was important to stay up late tonight with our company, for it was our last night with them. In the course of the day we had invited some people to come over for tea, so a few took us up on our offer. We rehearsed again to them the great things had done for us during our stay. Father has allowed us to have a part in his working in the lives of these people. We have entered into the labors of others that have gone before us.

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