Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 26, 2010

Today is a sorrowing day for the church. They are sending off one of their men and his wife to go to the Bible Institute in Wau. They are walking over the mountains to Aseki. From here they will hire a ride and ride PMV (public motor vehicle) down to Wau.

After they left, because so many came to see them off, I had the opportunity to give the church a devotional. I encouraged them to remember this couple was following God in their lives. They should allow God to turn their tears off sorrow into tears of joy. They can rejoice that God is working in their midst and preparing another preacher for the many mountain villages.

It was time for me to get ready to walk back to Kaintiba. We plan to walk the whole distance back (about 6 hours, with stops for resting). Pastor Jeccania and several others are going to go with me to help carry my things, plus the garden foods they gave to me to take back to Kerema (for the Grays). This party of travelers included 3 young ladies, 2 boys and a few young men. Another reason for them coming is to see this house that the people of Kaintiba are giving to the Baptist Mission.

Our trip was good and without incident. It is customary as you are walking the mountain trails to stop and in passing say “hello” (Awina=good morning, Kafainai=good afternoon) and to tell them where you are coming from and where you are going. This is done to those that you might know or perfect strangers. It definitely is a new experience, and takes time…but often leads to a time of witnessing to that person, even if you just tell them how good God is.

We arrived around supper time, so we bought some rice and Odette fixed a wonderful meal for us. I showed her and her family pictures and told of some of the things that happened while we were gone. Before we knew it, it was time to go to bed, and it sure was a welcome to me. I was tired from our weary journey….zzz.

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