Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 25, 2010

Being the only white man for miles around, sometimes (almost always) is an amusement to all. Taking a bath in the river is without exception to this. About 30 young boys came down to see the “white-man” get his morning wash before church time. I am truly living among these people in a “glass house”. Everything I do and say is being noted by all who are near…and even told among those who are not.

Bro. Jorum taught/preached during the Sunday school time and I followed up in the morning preaching time. There was a time of break and then I preached again at 2:00 p.m. Pastor Jeccania’s wife has been serving us our meals during our stay. The menu is mostly the same every meal…rice, sweet potato, and boiled greens. Add a little salt and make some tea and the meal is complete.

Sometime during the day, I think right after the morning preaching time, a boy accepted Christ as his Saviour. Praise the Lord!! His name is Enok. Pray that he will continue to grow in the Lord each day of his life. I am thankful God allowed me to have a small part of his life and hope to be able in the future to minister to him from time to time during my visits to Waititako Baptist Church.

My heart had been getting so full of what God has been doing with me and to me that I had to sing some songs of praise in the congregation. I had asked if Bro. Jorum would interpret for me verse by verse. The first song was “My God and I” and the other song I sang was “Redeemed”. Both of these have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. Each one holds a special place in my heart and relates my love and devotion to Father.

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