Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 28, 2010

I had most of my packing done by breakfast time. After taking care of some last minute business, we took my cargo up to the airstrip office building/shack. The cargo was more than when I came, and I had given some of mine away…why? So many things were given back to me and the Grays in Kerema. It was more than I wanted to pay for (extra cargo fee), but how could I refuse their kindness and their expression of love.

The airplane came and we said our last farewells. As we flew away from my “new home”, I wondered how long it would be before God would allow us to return with the whole family. Please pray for those that are doing the paperwork for our work permits and visas. Also pray God would supply all that is needed to accomplish all that has been mentioned. I have in my hand the letter from Bino, and the house is as good as ours. I praise God for his care and provision in this short “missions trip” in the mountains. Father far exceeded my expectations during my time here in Kaintiba. My mind goes back to His promise to me in Mark 10:29-30.

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