Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 19, 2010

Sister Ilava, Jerry and I were on our way to go to the RI (religious instruction) class at the government high school around 11:00 in the morning. As we were walking along we saw some students passing us along the road. We inquired about them heading home and they said school had been let out early. Other than being their first day back for the second semester, we are not sure why they were sent home early. Although the power in town has been out (during the day) the last two days that would have not been a factor. The reason being they have no working lights in their school buildings.

Since our RI class was cancelled, I was able to assist Bro. Bill in his second class he taught in the morning. On days when there is no power, the students go home at noon. Some of the rooms are too dim to work in without the lights and it is hard on their eyes. A few solar panels would help with that problem, because the generator it too loud to run (and costly as well).

The afternoon was a time to do some prep work for my leaving on Wednesday. My suit case is almost packed and I will finish the rest tomorrow after we get some laundry done. I am allowed 16 Kilos and any more than that will be an extra fee. I have packed some food because I do not know what I will be eating for the next week. It is not enough for the whole week, only a few “meals.” It will be a time of asking God for my “daily bread.” How exciting to wait on his provisions.

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