Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 15, 2010

Another work day…Bro. Jerry and I trimmed some of the hydrangea bushes on the church property while Bro. Morrissey taught a morning class. He has been a real asset for the school this week. We were not sure what Bro. Gray had planned for Bro. Bill to do, so he has been scrambling to put object lessons together. He has done nine lesson (some the same)…this includes one RI (religious instruction) class. Bro. Gray has been gracious to keep him supplied with items to use with his lessons. Of course, Bro. Bill is knowledgeable in many aspects of science, so he has been drawing off the overflow of many years of teaching in his field.

In the afternoon of Thursday Bro. Morrissey and I went running on the beach. I walked some of the time so as not to overwork my knee. For some reason my left knee has been sore and somewhat inflamed. It started a few days after arriving in PNG. I think I may have stressed it when we ran in Brisbane, Australia. Please pray that it will not give me too much pain when I fly up to the mountains on the 21st of July. I plan to do much walking (over 7 hours one way) to one church in the Bush (jungle) of the Gulf Province.

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