Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 16, 2010

Today I started with the event of chasing a large pig off the property…it was 4:00 a.m.!!! All the neighborhood dogs had cornered a hefty sized sow and they were barking as the pig was snorting…so much noise. It was an all natural alarm clock!! Since I could not go back to sleep, I did some reading and studying. I also called my wife, Christi to see how things were going and to read the Proverb for the day with her. It has been a joy to call her about every other day. Bro. John Gray bought a cell phone for me to use during my stay here.

The phone company is called Digicel…cell phone usage has exploded in just a few short years. There are cell towers now in places the Gospel has not even been yet. The age of technology has overrun the preaching of God’s Word. Some of the phones even have access to the Web…and all that goes along with that. PNG is already a highly heathen land, and this is/has been already more of a detriment than a help. Instant messaging is not just a trouble we have in first world nations…it is touching the whole world now. It truly is not hard to comprehend the verse that says “and every eye shall see him” during the tribulation time. I know God does not need technology, but wouldn’t that be interesting if He streamed His terror into every hand held device at the time of His appearing. What a sight that would be to behold!

At 4:00 p.m. the men of the church (those that were not working) came together for a season of prayer. Afterwards, we went out and passed out tracts and made some visits. One brother that was with us (Paul) began conversing with some older men at the market…not in Pidgin, but in a local language. I finally recognized it as Kemea. This is the language/people group the Allen families are working with. This is also the language our family will learn during our time of ministry in Keintiba. Bro. Paul is helping me to learn a few phrases of greeting.

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