Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9, 2010

Our night’s sleep was much better this past night…only one LOUD DOG episode and regular rooster crow every 3 minutes. I have been waking up around 3 or 4:00 a.m. every morning to spend quality time with the Father. It has been sweet…I wish I have been more diligent over the years to be more intimate with my Saviour.

We were to meet up with Bro. Matt Allen around 8:30 in the morning to fly to Kerema, Gulf Province. He was delayed about 2 hours because of weather conditions, so we “rounded” with Pastor Gerone for a bit. Then we stopped off at his house until the call came through that Bro. Matt was on his way. I was able to show a few video clips of people from Old Paths Bible Baptist Church singing. He was encouraged by their testimony and rejoiced to be a part of such a great Family.

After Bro. Matt arrived to the airport, we got things loaded up and made preparation to leave. While we waited, one of my one-talks (Tau) from the first time coming to PNG (1996) came to pick up the 2 passengers Bro. Matt had brought in on that leg of his flight. Tau is now a pastor in Port Moresby. It was an unexpected surprise to see him; we embraced and were able to visit for just a few minutes before we took off. He is married now and has 3 daughters. What a sweet time we had in reminiscing about the time we had first met…we both were unmarried back then.
The flight was without incident and I was able to once again visit (through the headset) with Bro. Matt Allen. He rounded with me on my last time to PNG (2007) and has been a great encouragement to me on this long journey to ministry in PNG.

Upon our arrival to Kerema, Bro. Bill and I were greeted by several of the students of Charity Baptist Academy and Bro. John Gray. A few teachers came too; one had been a student the last time I came and now is teaching in the school. They helped carry our bags down to the church and school property and conversed with us along the way. After a simple meal, we rested for a bit and then walked up to the open market with Ilave, Bro. John’s daughter. She had to get a ginger root for the evening meal she was preparing. The responsibility of much of the household work has fallen on her shoulders since Sis. Mary Gray has been in Brisbane for treatment of her cancer.

Another brother in the Lord is here now helping Bro. John in the work…Bro. Jerry and his wife Avoro. They now have one son. He was pastoring a bush church in the mountains not too far from where Bro. Matt Allen’s family and ministry are based. I anticipate getting to know him better and see his burden for his people. My father-in-law Cliff Taylor and I, along with Bro. Matt Allen had walked out to his bush church and preached/baptized a few/ministered to his congregation back in 2007. He has now turned the work over to another Bible school graduate. The work is growing and they have even now been inquiring about me and our family. Oh, Father, make it possible for us to come back quickly with the whole family and have a part in the growth of these thy people.

Before school was let out Bro. John had Bro. Bill and I introduce ourselves to all the school body. I hope to get to know them even better during the time God gives us here. I do not know their spiritual condition, but I know they are learning many good things and Godly things. Some of them live in homes where the parents do not uphold a good or Godly standard for them to follow, so the struggle in on in their live. The question is, who will they follow after?

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