Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010

It is now Saturday. My dear friend Bro. Jerry Miri, who has been greatly helping out the Charity Baptist Church, went “rounding” with us. We had the business of getting “fuel” for Bro. John’s generator, but “storied” with (visited) some people along the way. The first place we stopped to get the petrol did not have any in stock, but we took the time to talk to them about the Lord. On the way to the second (and last) place to get the petrol, we stopped by an acquaintance of mine from the first time I came to PNG. Epi (as is his name) and I had ministered together and I wanted to encourage him in the Lord. We had a few minutes to fellowship, and then continued on.

Throughout the day we were able to “story” at about 6 houses, one who was Bro. Jerry’s cousin (Kelly). He is not saved, and is carrying many “heavies” (burdens) because of his life of sin. I fervently brought him the gospel once again, and Bro. bill talked with him too, about his soul. He listened well, but there were distractions that kept him from making any commitment to Christ. Please seek Gods face for his soul that he would be born again. Wallace, the pharmacist, is saved but is now being led astray by another religion. Pray that he would see the falsehood and come back to be among us at Charity.

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