Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010

Sunday was a preaching day for both Bro. Morrissey and I. It was a good service and the Lord met with us. I did not have peace preaching any other message I had prepared before, so I begged God to give me something fresh from Heaven. Father answered my prayer, and in just a few minutes this morning, He showed me a few things we can learn from NOAH. My time of preaching was only 30 minutes, but it was what my Lord wanted. (As a side note: Bro. Bill and I sang a duet right before I preached, and I played the trumpet during the offering time. Bro. gray has also been having me play the trumpet to let the people know it is time to gather together.)
We had given our testimonies in the Sunday-School time, and all of the classes were combined into one assembly. The morning service was over around 12:20 in the afternoon and the church family combined all the food they had brought to make a simple time of snack. So, we all had a short time of fellowship before the afternoon service. (We were able to pass out some “lolies” (candy) during this time, also.) Churches here in Kerema have early evening/afternoon services so the people can walk home before it gets dark. Many dangers are present along the road during the night time hours.

Bro. Bill brought forth a lesson in the afternoon preaching time. It was on the subject of—A Way that Seemeth Right. His object lesson was the use of a compass. Following a compass is like walking by faith. Trust the tool (the Bible), not your heart. The compass is affected by a magnetic field that cannot be seen or felt, but it is sure and reliable. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

After Miss. Ilave made us another wonderful meal (she has been our provider of wonderfully prepared meals during our stay here), we had a time of much needed rest. The heat here has been a steady 90-99 degree temperature (with high humidity) and it saps the energy out of us. We do not even have to move around and sweat flows from our brows. We have to drink a lot of water to keep from getting dehydrated. The power has been off during the day (for a “power-shed”), so the only cool room is warmer than outside. At night we finally get a reprieve as the power comes on and we can once again turn on the AC for a good night’s sleep. Our sleeping quarters are in Bro. John Gray’s office.

Later, on Sunday afternoon, Bro. Jerry went with us to go visit one of the school teachers. His name is Joshua, and he was a student when I was here in 2007. Bro. John had printed up some encouragement cards for the people at Charity Baptist Church to learn how to refresh each other with a few words of kindness. I took the time to write a note to Joshua, and we were on the way to deliver it. We were able to meet his uncle Max and talk to him as well. Max is not saved, so we started a friendship that hopefully will turn to his salvation. Pray that Joshua will be strong in the Lord and faithful in the midst of living among family that do not have a heart for God or spiritual things.

It has now been a week since we flew out of Rochester and already God has allowed it to bear fruit in my heart. Father has begun to Revive my heart and give me a deeper love and care for these New Guineans. Through it also, I have realized how I can grow as a Godly man, a father, and a husband to my wife Christi. This time away from my family and church has given me a new appreciation for what Father has given to me and also why He has given it. This reason I believe is to give us a sample and example of what Father wants to do here among these people.
The reading of Joshua Thompson’s book “As for God His Way Is Perfect” has been a great help to me. I started reading it after we got settled here in Kerema. I wept through many of the chapters. His life growing up was very similar to mine and could relate to much of the longing he had for being among those he loved so well. I will probably never experience the things he has gone through, but it was a joy to see haw Father has grown him and used him in so many ways. I pray Father will do the same for me as I am here in PNG, away from my loved ones and family. Thank you, Joshua Thompson for having a part in my growing time with God.

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