Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010

A new day has come. We ate our breakfast in the dim morning light again. The power is consistently off all day long, going off around 6:00 a.m. and coming back on around 6:00 p.m. In the mid-morning we went to the market and a few small stores to get some food items and candles. After we got back, Bro. Morrissey taught two separate classes some science lessons. He brought it around to apply a spiritual truth. Bro. John Gray has him busy this week in doing these lessons. It is very interesting to the children and they pay close attention.
I did some maintenance work today which included repairing a light fixture and two dining room chairs. Bro. Morrissey helped me on the chairs after he went with Bro. Jerry to get some more petrol. When we got the “fuel” the other day, we had invented a way to carry the container by two people by the means of a stave through the handle. It works great when two can bear the burden together.

We rested, read, and refreshed ourselves in the mid afternoon. After a while Bro. Jerry and I walked down to the ocean shore where the breeze was refreshingly cool. A group of about 30 children were playing a make-shift game of soccer on the beach, so I took the liberty to play with them. It was a novel treat for them to have a white American playing with/against them. Some of them were really good. The goal box was two sticks stuck in the sand, but only about a yard apart. Neither side scored while I played with them, but it was a lot of fun and hope to do it again soon. I pray the Lord will give me opportunity to use it as a way to get to their hearts and a time to preach to them of God’s great love. He would bestow it upon them if only they would put their faith in Him.

As I finish this up, it is after 9:30 p.m. We are going to sleep now. Those that read this later are actually getting up as we are going to sleep. So, I am praying for you all as you are facing a new day with new challenges. Father will keep you in His care…trust in him, for He doeth all things well.

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