Monday, August 16, 2010

August 11

At 8:30 this morning, I was teaching in chapel again with the students at Charity Baptist Academy. The first thing we did was sing a few songs, including a psalm I had put to music a few years back. I plan to teach it more perfectly to them on Friday during the music class that has been given to me to teach. I then set out to preach a short message before they went off to school. This time my subject was Grace; 3 points:
  1. Grace
  2. race
  3. ace
As you can see, all 3 of these words are within the word “grace”. Without the grace of God, we will never “ace” the “race” that is set before us.

Once again I preached at 5:00 p.m. to the faithful members at Charity Baptist Church. The men’s presence was down again. Please pray that God would do a working in the men here to commit their lives to the work of the ministry and to mature spiritually.

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